Healing with Food

All foods contain a healing essence that goes beyond the materialized level. (Lesson 2 on Healing is in Your Hands)

There are several ways to view eating for healing. On the materialized level, we ask the body to absorb the nutritional and vitamin content of our foods, which is challenging if the digestive system is not in balance. If we select foods based on the non-materialized level, we give the body healing essence — the information that the body knows how to instinctively use.

Trust your body. Your food cravings are messages coming from deep within asking for support. For example, you love chocolate and want something sweet. On the materialized level you think sugar is bad for me. Yet on the non-materialized level we understand sugar breaks stress and supports the Stomach and Liver. You are what you eat, and you are what you think.


Go Deeper

To deepen your practice, you may want to check out these options:

Grand Master Lu’s Podcast
Grand Master Lu’s Podcast
Qi is the basis for all of life. We must not discount the existence of Qi and we must understand its power of healing. For thousands of years, Chinese medicine has known this truth. Each podcast will help you learn the true value of Qi.
Begin your Qigong Experience
Begin your Qigong Experience
Energy, Everybody,Everyday (3E) is a great way to develop a daily Qigong practice. This 3E practice is simple, yet its benefits have far-reaching health effects. Practice daily for optimum results.

Next Steps

Changing the Dieting Perspective
Changing the Dieting Perspective
Eating for healing is a multi-level process that happens over time. Step by step, the body can readjust. (Lesson 3 on Healing is in Your Hands)
How to Nurture Your Body
How to Nurture Your Body
If you are the flower in your own garden, what ingredients do you need to fully bloom? (Lesson 4 on Healing is In Your Hands)