Tao of Morning Qigong

Elevate your Lifeforce

You are the master of your own destiny.  With dedicated Wu Ming Qigong practice you have the potential to connect to inner wisdom.  It’s not an easy task but with proper guidance and dedication, the results will amaze you.

Tao of Morning Qigong is a rich experience of guided Qigong practice infused with Eastern philosophy. As a traditional master,  Grand Master Lu welcomes and challenges students who are seeking a serious life transformation.  The path is not always easy, but the rewards are priceless!

Is Morning Qigong right for me?

Quality, quality, quality.  Then comes quantity.  If you are willing to put in the effort, I’d be pleased to guide you.  It is up to you to discover answers that lie within.—Grand Master Nan Lu.

Class schedule

Every Tuesday and Saturday morning: 8:00 AM (ET) over Zoom for 30 minutes.

These sessions are not recorded however your private membership will have an overview of the class.

Qigong alone is not enough

Master Lu meets with Tao of Morning Qigong students on the third Sunday of every month at 9:00 AM (ET) to encourage discussion surrounding the practical application of Eastern philosophy.

An additional practice/support session is held once a month on Sunday at 9:00 AM (ET) with instructors Elaine and Irma to help refine the practice and answer questions.


For your convenience, credit cards will be charged $99.00 monthly on a recurring basis. Stop your membership any time by visiting your membership account.

$99.00 month

8 Live practice sessions (sometimes more depending on the month!)
Meet with Master Lu and ask your questions the third Sunday of each month.
1 Support/practice sessions with instructors.

What others have experienced

  • Loss of fatigue with a renewed sense of excitement
  • Greater flexibility
  • Sleeping better
  • Balanced emotions-less angry or frustrated
  • Improved digestion
  • Blood sugar stabilization
  • Prostate improvement
  • Loss of hot flashes
  • Reduction in high blood pressure
  • Commitment to quality Qigong practice
  • Emotional balance
  • Created new understanding of life
  • Finding a community that’s relatable.

“Qigong practice has made me aware of my limiting thoughts.”

“For decades I had bad health habits but no where to turn to find answers.  Thank you Master Lu for your guidance.”

“Don’t wait, all that you are looking for can be accessed here.”

“At 72 years old, I never thought I could erase many of the mistakes I made. now I see they were never mistakes but life lessons.”

“TCM and qigong are not easy but once you are in the grove, the system does take over.  You just have to believe-oh and do the work!”

” Enormous respect for Master Lu and his constant reminder that Qigong is not a hobby but a way of life.”

“Finding freedom within my own mind meant giving up old ways of thinking.  It just happened.  Grateful for my Qi family.”

QI Weekend Retreats

Open to all Tao of Healing students, Qi Weekends are a powerful opportunity for the community to gather in person with Master Nan Lu. During these weekends, Master Lu deepens and refines Qigong practices while leading discussions on Five Element Consciousness and Natural Law. As students of the Wu Ming Qigong tradition, the importance of quality practice is emphasized, with live interactions playing a key role in enhancing your learning experience.  Next Qi Weekend, Oct. 31-Nov 2 

Tao of Healing T-Shirt

Have you attended 3 consecutive sessions?  That’s a huge step in your commitment to personal cultivation and we’d like to invite you to purchase our Tao of Healing tee shirt which symbolizes oneness.  The Yin/Yang symbol embodies balance and interconnectedness of all things. Harmony is the ever changing goal. Wear this symbol over your heart as you practice Qigong with Grand Master Lu.

A Taste of this Sessions Qigong Class

Qi Weekend Retreat for Tao of Morning Qigong Students