The Grand Master Nan Lu Podcast

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Qi for Self-Care: It’s All About Qi

Episode 1: Qi is in everything and everywhere.  Without Qi health is not possible and life will not exist. In the first episode on Qi for Self-Care, Grand Master Lu takes the listener on a journey into the quantum field of Qi. Everything is energy, all energy has consciousness, all consciousness has purpose.

Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Qi for Self-Care: It's All About Qi

Session 2: Getting Qi from Dark Energy

Getting Qi from Dark Energy, Dark Matter
Women have the unique gift of creating life. They are entitled to uniquely connect to dark energy, dark matter. This is associated with the root of life. Because woman have an access code to this information they can apply it in all areas of life. Let me emphasize, this is not limited to child bearing. It’s the big picture of visible and invisible.

Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Session 2: Getting Qi from Dark Energy

Session 1: Creating Qi Life

Why nurturing life is the most important gift in women’s health. It’s the key to unlocking ones potential. All the wisdom inherent in nurturing is connected to love, creativity, and cooperation. These areas are covered in this session.
Before we move into Qigong practice, you must understand these concepts. These teachings can be your short cut. Qigong practice helps you use your gifts, discover your potential and help you connect to Spirit.

Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Session 1: Creating Qi Life

Putting Your Pieces of the Puzzle Together

Grand Master Lu lays out the pieces of the big body-mind-Spirit puzzle for healing.  On the body and mind level we manifest that which we believe. Internally each emotion creates a vibration that shows on the body in the form of illness or health.  Good and bad both exist at the same time and both are energies. On the Spiritual level there is only good. Four weeks of study culminate in this session. 

Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Putting Your Pieces of the Puzzle Together

Kidney: The Root of Genetic Wisdom

Your entire life depends on healthy Kidney and Bladder function. The body’s life source is stored in the Kidneys and contains all your genetic wisdom. Chinese medicine reminds us that ancestral information of balance and harmony flows through us. The question is, how can we turn on this wisdom?

Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Kidney: The Root of Genetic Wisdom

Love Heals Everything

In this talk you will see why it is said that human beings carry the unconditional Love of the Universe. You are the child of the Universe. Buried deep within your genetic code is Universal wisdom passed down to you through this Love. Love is harmony, does not hold back, and is your access point to finding balance.

Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Love Heals Everything

Recalling Life’s Purpose Through the Heart

Everything is energy, all energy has consciousness, all consciousness has purpose. You are an energy being, born with a purpose in this life. Often we feel we’re missing something but can’t figure out what it is. The external world of possessions is not satisfying. How do you rediscover that place of purpose?

Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Recalling Life's Purpose Through the Heart

Heart Health: Living More Fully

Heart health is directly related to self-expression. Love, intuition, and faith emanate from your Spiritual center, the Heart. Yet we only use a portion of the Spirit to live our lives. The Heart is limited by the mind and emotions. Learn what this means for you and how you can reach your greatest potential.

Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Heart Health: Living More Fully

Lung: The Central Communication Center

Think of your Lungs as a finely tuned instrument. With each breath, it circulates Qi and communicates with your entire body. Chinese medicine tells us the Lung is the great receiver and distributor of life force. Learn what this means for you.

Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Lung: The Central Communication Center

How Mucus Manifests in the Body and Its Long-Term Effects

The Lungs are not the only place in the body to hold mucus. Mucus impacts all the organs and must be released for long-term health. Tumors, excess weight and itchiness are just a few issues related to excess mucus.  This talk outlines how mucus develops and ways to release it.

Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
Answers Lie Within with Grand Master Nan Lu
How Mucus Manifests in the Body and Its Long-Term Effects