Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and simply be. Don’t try to control your breathing. Just relax and allow your mind to wander.
March 20, 2020 by eric.grissom
Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and simply be. Don’t try to control your breathing. Just relax and allow your mind to wander.
March 9, 2020 by eric.grissom
January 31, 2020 by eric.grissom
This powerful standing meditation is the cornerstone of our Dragon’s Way Qigong® program. Standing meditation will help you develop a peaceful mind while stimulating energy flow. This in turn allows the body to experience deep levels of healing. The body knows how to help itself, but it needs a resource to push it along. The Dragon Stands Between Heaven and Earth will support your body in this exchange.
January 13, 2020 by eric.grissom
Tip: This movement is most effective when you don’t extend your arm out completely. Your elbows will be slightly bent.
Practice this movement for 3-4 minutes or longer.
Visit for more information on the Chinese medicine view of breast cancer prevention.
by eric.grissom
January 10, 2020 by eric.grissom
Experience these different levels of meditation: lying, sitting, moving and standing. Which one are you drawn to? Each will help the body relax so energy can flow. Some postures will help you increase energy.
If you are restless or have physical difficulties, start by lying down and placing your hands over your heart. Close your eyes and relax. Notice your breathing. Allow your breath to be natural.
When you’re ready, try a seated meditation. Close your eyes and focus on one thought or object until your mind drops away naturally.
A moving meditation is considered the highest level of Taiji. In this state your body moves yet your mind remains peaceful helping you to acquire energy.
The standing meditation is a form that allows your body to act as an antenna to receive energy. There are various kinds of standing meditation. Here’s one I use in my Dragon’s Way Qigong program: The Dragon Stands Between Heaven and Earth.
by eric.grissom
December 26, 2019 by eric.grissom
by eric.grissom
All energy has consciousness and all consciousness has a purpose. Everything we do has a purpose, therefore there can be no accidents. Qigong, as a practice, is not just energy; it is also consciousness.
Qi is Energy and consciousness. But Qi also contains information. It sends a message. Are you tuned in? Can you understand it? And Qi goes beyond even that. Qi is the life source. Because everything has Qi, everything has life. Qi is the source of the Universal Life.
Use your own body to help you understand and build a relationship with Qi.
The Qigong posture Dragon Stands Between Heaven and Earth will help you increase Qi. Hold this posture for 10-15 minutes and see how you feel.
December 13, 2019 by eric.grissom