Take the Easy Way Around Stress

October 8, 2023 by Elaine Katen

Spirit Gate Breathing, also known as navel breathing or reverse breathing, helps you allow your body to take a break from stressful situations. The simple breathing technique has been in use for healing for thousands of years.

The focus on your navel opens an energy gate to your inherited gifts, your bloodlines.

It wakes up your body and memory to the time when love and support flowed to you unconditionally. Use Spirit Gate Breathing to experience a new sense of calm and balance. You can see profound health benefits from this simple healing practice.

Use this form daily to help the body realign itself with inner peace.

View a full tutorial here.

Serious Mistakes in Qigong Practice

September 4, 2023 by Elaine Katen

Qigong practice works on the energy level not the muscular level.  It helps you find a different path in life.  Energy frequency must be pure.  Which way are you connecting?  Different Qigong systems have different purposes and varying ways to direct energy.  If you have a quality practice, the meridian level will be impacted.  This offers the body resources to heal.  But if you practice various Qigong practices, you will confuse your body.

Listen to this video and see how you can simplify your process.


Simple Qigong for Everyday Benefits

February 7, 2023 by Elaine Katen

Sit quietly.  Close your eyes, make loose fists, then roll your thumbs forward.

Your thumbs are directly connected to your Lung meridian.  Every time you do this practice, you will be stimulating your Lung function. In Chinese medicine, the Lung is associated with beautiful skin, immune health and longevity.

Practice every day for 5 minutes or more.

OM Meditation

December 3, 2022 by Elaine Katen

This meditation is intended to help you be part of the Universal symphony.

Each organ has its own tone and its own vibration. Each meridian has its own vibration.

The sound of om will vibrate your pericardium. The vibration of the pericardium has the capability to harmonize the entire body.

Listen carefully as Master Lu explains how to use this meditation.  Then close your eyes and follow his pace of Om.


Tao of Morning Qigong

December 6, 2020 by Elaine Katen

Consciousness shows in the body in levels of health or illness. This Qigong practice, taught during Tao of Morning Qigong opens areas that may be holding onto energetic messages. Slowly, from the ankle up, joint by joint, allow the body to find greater flexibility and deeply heal.

New sessions start the beginning of each month.


Women Have Unique Abilities.

November 11, 2020 by Elaine Katen

Understanding the Messages

June 7, 2020 by Elaine Katen

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How to Nurture Your Body

May 21, 2020 by Elaine Katen

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Changing the Dieting Perspective

May 20, 2020 by Elaine Katen

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Healing with Food

May 19, 2020 by Elaine Katen

There are several ways to view eating for healing. On the materialized level, we ask the body to absorb the nutritional and vitamin content of our foods, which is challenging if the digestive system is not in balance. If we select foods based on the non-materialized level, we give the body healing essence — the information that the body knows how to instinctively use.

Trust your body. Your food cravings are messages coming from deep within asking for support. For example, you love chocolate and want something sweet. On the materialized level you think sugar is bad for me. Yet on the non-materialized level we understand sugar breaks stress and supports the Stomach and Liver. You are what you eat, and you are what you think.