calendar_todayHere are some great options to learn from Master Lu or his longtime students

Every Thursday

Qi Thursday: A Quantum Energy Practice

Step into a quantum field of healing every Thursday night.  It's a free class so make the commitment to quality practice with a dedicated group. Qi is the foundation for your very existence and is the life force that allows you to heal from and prevent disease. The Qigong posture, Dragon Stands Between Heaven and Earth helps the body accumulate Qi.
Tuesday and Saturday

Tao of Morning Qigong

A serious Qigong practice under the guidance of Grand Master Lu. He challenges students to reach their full energetic potential using Qigong forms and TCM principles. The miracle of Qi comes to life when the student is ready for the journey.
September 3 - October 15

Wu Ming Qigong: Liver Flow

I invite you to join me to experience a Wu Ming Qigong form that brings balance and grace to the body and mind. In our overly frantic world, the body craves more flow.  Over 7 weeks I will teach a form that is a bit complicated but once learned allows Liver Qi to flow more freely.  I will be teaching the course in partnership with the Shift Network so to learn more please use the link below. Master Lu
September 11, 18, 25

Qigong for Breast Health

Help yourself then help others. From an energetic point of view there is much more to learn about preventing and healing from breast cancer than is commonly known in the West. Learn 7 targeted Qigong movements, understand how to support the digestive system, and a fresh view of stress and its long term impact on health. Once learned we encourage you to share with other women.
September 18th

Group Acupuncture and Dance Party

Tao of Healing Center
You are invited to our Qi Dance party, followed by group acupuncture. Bring friends, family, coworkers, let’s celebrate the powerful energy of the Fall Equinox. Everyone is welcome.
October 8 - November 5

Difficult Cases: TCM and Breast Cancer with Dr. Nan Lu

Dr. Lu focuses on deepening the TCM perspective of breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. The course is based on actual cases. A 5-week course is provided free unless applying for the 7.5 PDA credits. CME for medical doctors-pending approval.
October 20 - 27

Fall Harmony Journey

As each season unfolds, it presents an opportunity to align with its unique energy and purpose. Fall is a time of harvest—a moment to reflect on your growth and achievements. It’s a continuous journey of receiving and letting go, an ever-evolving process. *Receive a bonus, if you register before September 30th.
October 31 - November 3

Qi Weekend, Garrison, NY

Garrison New York
Transform your Qi levels during our next retreat weekend! We will be returning to the Garrison Institute, in Garrison, New York for a Fall Qi Weekend Retreat. This retreat is open to Tao of Morning Qigong students and all Seasonal ReSet participants. Save the date as registration will open early summer.
October 31

Tao of Medical Qigong Training

In Person
A unique program to develop personal Qi.  During your Tao of Medical Qigong training, you'll uncover the profound wisdom of Qi. It's about embarking on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and connection with the essence of life itself. Through intense training and dedication, you'll uncover the endless potential of Qi, both within yourself and in the world around you. Dragon's Way Qigong® Instructor training is a pre-requisite.
February 12

Instructor Training: Dragon’s Way Qigong®

Be prepared to transform! That's right, you'll spend time refining your Qi and building an understanding of how the ancient framework or traditional Chinese medicine can serve you for the rest of your life. Serious study of Wu Ming Qigong connects your life source with Universal wisdom. We encourage anyone drawn to natural healing and Qigong practices to attend this training. Change your life, then help others. No prior TCM experience required! This is the 6:00 PM (ET) Course. Morning Course also available.